Tuesday, June 25, 2019

A #story for children from the #Ramayana about Rama's childhood #ChildrenStories 3

There were festivities in Ayodhya when the four sons of Dashratha were born. Soon Sage Vasishta had to perform the naming ceremony. He thought for some time before proclaiming that Kausalya’s son would be named Rama.

“Why Rama?” he explained. “Rama means one who is everywhere or omnipresent. Because this child will always remain in the hearts of his people and give joy and happiness to everyone in the world, I am going to name him Rama.”

Maharaja Dashrath was very happy and he and his queens took the infant Rama in their hands one by one and whispered the name Rama in his ears.

Then Vasishta said, “The son of Kaikeyi will be named Bharata as he will protect everyone. The sons of Sumitra will be named Lakshmana and Shatrugna, as Lakshmana is auspicious and Shatrugna will be the destroyer of enemies.”

Vasishta being a great Sage and visionary, knew that Rama was the incarnation of Mahavishnu, Lakshmana of Adishesha, Bharata of the divine Conch and Shatrugna of the Sudarshanachakra.

Rama was the darling of everyone. Kaikeyi loved him more than her own son, and so did Sumitra.

One night as Kausalya was feeding baby Rama while showing him the moon.
“Chandamama” little Rama said pointing to the moon.
 It was full moon night and the moon was very beautiful and Rama wanted it. Kausalya first thought that he wanted more food, but when she fed him with rice he refused saying again that he wanted the moon. Kausalya did not know what to do. Rama started crying out loud that he wanted the moon.

Hearing his cries, the King and the other queens came running. When they saw that Rama wanted the moon, they were nonplussed.

‘How to bring the moon down?’ They were in a dilemma. They tried to console the child, but in vain.

Then Kaikeyi suddenly hit upon an idea. She brought a vessel filled with water from her room and showed the reflection of the moon to Rama.

Rama was happy and his laughter made everyone happy.

Rama and his brothers grew to be strong young lads and loved playing together. Lakshmana always sided with Rama, while Shatrugna went with Bharata. Being the eldest, Rama was loved and respected by all of them and they always listened to him. Once when they were playing at bringing mangoes down from the tree, Rama and Bharata both aimed at the mangoes. The person who brought down the most number of mangoes would win. The mangoes were struck down but both felt that he was the one who had hit the mango. 
Lakshmana at once started arguing on Rama’s behalf, whereas Shatrugna maintained that it was Bharata who had struck the mango down. Rama at once calmed his brothers and declared that it was Bharata who had won. This showed his selfless love for his brothers.

The children grew up a little more and were then initiated into learning by Sage Vasishta at his gurukul. They were taught archery and martial arts along with formal education. The princes were treated as equals to all other students in the gurukul. They did not have any advantages or special treatment because they were from the royal family. And Rama and his brothers were happy with their friends and gave utmost respect to their Guru, Sage Vasishta.  

#Rama #Gurukul #SageVasishta #Rama_and_the_moon #Kaikeyi #Kausalya #Bharata #Lakshmana #Shatrugna