Saturday, June 15, 2019

A #Story for children from the #Ramayana on the Birth of Rama #ChildrenStories 2

Maharaja Dashrath, the King of Ayodhya, had everything that his heart desired, three beautiful wives, Kaushalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra, wealth, prosperity and happy subjects. But he had no sons to continue his lineage. The King and his queens were worried about the future of the kingdom.

They went to their Kula Guru,Sage Vasishta.

“We have everything we want in the world, but we have no children to continue our lineage. I am not going to live forever. What will happen to the people of our Ayodhya?” asked the worried King.

Sage Vasishta advised, “You can perform the puthrakameshti yagna.”

 Maharaj Dashrath immediately agreed.

 “But,” pronounced Vasishta, “There is only one person who can guide you in perfoming this yagna, and that is Sage Rishyashringa.”

As Dashrath got ready for the journey, Vasishta told him, “You and your queens have to go on foot without any encumbrage to invite the Sage.”

Dashrath agreed and soon set out to meet Sage Rishyashringa. The Sage was pleased with the humility and respect shown by the king and agreed to do the Puthrakameshti Yagna.

At the culmination of the yagna, Agnidev appeared from the sacrificial fire with a pot of kheer in his hands. He gave the pot to King Dashrath and asked him to distribute it to his queens. 
Dashrath gave one part of the Kheer to Kaushalya, another to Kaikeyi and the remaining two parts to Sumitra. They returned to Ayodhya with hope in their heart and prayer on their lips. Within a few days, all the three queens became pregnant. 

Nine months later, the King became a father to four sons. In the month of Chaitra, on the Navami day, one son was born to Kaushalya, one to Kaikeyi and two to Sumitra. Entire Ayodhya joined the king and queens in rejoicing. During the naming ceremony, Kaushalya's son was named Rama. Kaikeyi's son was named Bharat and Sumitra's twins were named Lakshman and Shatrugna.

#Ramayana #Rama #Bharat #Lakshman #Shatrugna #BirthofRama
#Ayodhya #Dashrath #Kaushalya #Kaikeyi #Sumitra 

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